Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky OCR: MacSOUP Manual (3 Choose "Import Newsre from the File menu and import an existing Unix .newsrc file or a NewsWatcher user group list ie See the description of this command in the "Menu Commands' chapter for more details Fetching News and Mail with uqwk If vou have Unix shell account, you need tc install and set up uqwk there Refer to the uqwk documentation for how to op this If you have problems try to find someone at your site who has some Unix knowledge and can help you; or ask your system administrators for help or ask in the alt. usenet offline- reader newsgroup produce SOUP packet, you call uqwk like this: uqwk -m (the last letter zero, not the letter o) For description of the C the uqwk man page The most important opti .ons are I+ t o fetch mail, to to fetch news and n to disable fet ...